Thursday, February 2, 2012

Encounter with Uncontacted Peruvian Tribe

First thing this morning, I heard about a tribe by the name of Mascho-Piro, living within the Manu National park in Peru. They are totally untouched - every time outsiders attempted to make contact with the tribe, they were either unsuccessful, or were killed. Of course there's the fascination of realizing that there's people out there who are totally removed from the life that I know; that there's people living without technology, and the basic things that I take for granted.
But worst than all of that ... they're living without Jesus.  And they don't know it.
One man, Nicolás "Shaco" Flores, was able to make meaningful contact with the tribe. He befriended them and learned to speak their language. Many others have attempted to communicate, but no one was able as this man was.
Nicolás "Shaco" Flores was shot by a arrow on the outskirts of the Manu National Park, in November, by the tribe he wanted to befriend.

So, I guess the purpose of my writing this is clear: I hope above hope that many of you who read this will pray for the Mascho-Piro tribe. They have very little hope of being reached by the Gospel. Due to their evident desire to be left alone by outsiders, the Peruvian government is trying very hard to keep others from invading into their territory. Their tribe fears outsiders, and outsiders fear them. And there is no one who speaks their language, who has made any meaningful contact with them.

It reminds me of the Auca tribe so many years ago, before Jim Elliot and his four fellow missionaries were willing to risk everything for their salvation.  I'm praying for this tribe ... that God would send someone who is fearless. And that someday, JESUS would shine from the Mascho-Piro!

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